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12 pares de calcetines deportivos negros: correr, andar en bicicleta, hacer ejercicio, respirar algodón l

  • $CLP 47.880



- El producto se trae a pedido, en un transcurso de 15 a 25 dias, si alguna restriccion de un ente gubernamental o de salud publica cambia o restringe vuelos, los pedidos pueden demorar mas tiempo.
- Precios pueden cambiar previo aviso. Depende de precio con proveedores o existencia.
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- Despachamos a todo Chile con Starken.
- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.
-WHY SPORTS SOCKS? - As producers of socks and people actively participating in sports, we understand the importance of appropriate socks during the practice of sporting activities. We run, workout at the gym, and participate in fitness classes a lot ? appropriate socks are a prerequisite for our activity to be pleasant and efficient. Appropriate socks are also the basis for our feet to feel comfortable. That's why we came up with the idea to create the best possible sports socks.
-PRODUCED IN THE EU - We are a young team that localizes the entire production process in Europe and we are proud of it! From the very beginning when we started our sock brand, we've always wanted to offer top-quality socks in Europe with prices that would be competitive with regard to products imported from Asia characterized by worse quality. It's not easy to produce high-quality socks and simultaneously maintain competitive prices, but we achieved it by eliminating intermediaries.
-OPTIMAL VENTILATION - Our sports socks are characterized by a very good ventilation system and a good grip on the foot - so that our feet feel comfortable even during the most strenuous activity. Practically the whole upper part of the sock is made of a breathable net. Additionally, the upper part features a net that intertwines with a cuff, which additionally provides comfort for our skin in the place of compression. The inner cuff also possesses a special structure that improves breathability.
-COTTON COMFORT - our socks are an optimal combination of fabrics: 80% cotton, 17% polyamide, and 3% elastane. Most sports socks are produced from artificial fabrics or possess low cotton content. In case of our socks, we use the natural features of cotton to make sporting activities even more comfortable. Polyamide and elastane are responsible for appropriate elasticity so that the sock has an optimal grip on our foot.
-COLORS, SIZES, AND QUALITY - Our socks, just like our brand's name - Rainbow Socks - have to be associated with color; thus, we create sports socks in as many as 12 colors: purple, black, green, gray, navy blue, blue, pink, orange, red, white, sky blue, and yellow. In order to live up to the expectations of all users, we offer socks in sizes from 5.5 to 13. Additionally, we guarantee quality!

Do ideal sports socks exist? Probably not, the truth is that you can improve literally everything. However, while producing our sports socks we had one aim in mind - to strive for perfection. We wanted to create socks that would not only be nice and colourful, but mostly breathable and adhering closely to the foot - so that the sock does not become an obstacle during any athlete's workout. We have succeeded - we have created socks that are suitable for numerous activities - running, yoga, fitness, gym, tennis - the basic attributes of our socks are comfort, breathability, and colour. Our socks are produced with the use of internationally recognised cotton confirmed by OEKO-TEX certificate. What makes us exceptional is the fact that the whole production is located in Europe while maintaining standards imposed by the EU. Owing to that, we guarantee top quality not only when it comes to our products, but also when it comes to the whole production process. In order to ensure durability of our socks, we recommend washing them at a temperature no higher than 4-C - this will help to maintain the vibrant colour of the product. If you are searching for colourful socks produced in the EU for various types of physical activity, you are in the right place. You won't be disappointed.