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3.5mm to male flash pc sync cable,12-inch/30cm 3.5mm plug to male flash sync cord for camera photography connector

  • $CLP 21.379



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-MULTIFUNCTION: With this multifunctional 3.5mm to male flash PC sync cable, you not only can attach the flash to the cameras Sync terminal/socket, but also can attach the flash receiver to the mololight.
-COMPATIBILITY: The cable will work on most flashes that take a single pin plug.
-CONNECTOR: 3.5mm Plug to Male Flash PC Sync Cord.
-CABLE LENGTH: 12 Inch /30CM
-PACKAGE INCLUDED: 2 x 3.5mm to Male Flash Cable.

Multifunction: With this multifunctional 3.5mm to male flash PC sync cable, you not only can attach the flash to the cameras Sync terminal/socket, but also can attach the flash receiver to the mololight. Compatibility: The cable will work on most flashes that take a single pin plug. Connector: 3.5mm Plug to Male Flash PC Sync Cord Cable Length: Length: 12 Inch /30CM Quantity: Quantity: 2PCS Package Included: 2 x 3.5mm to Male Flash Cable