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pelota de rugby pro impact rebounder match blanco y amarillo neón

  • $CLP 78.055



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- SUITABLE FOR PRACTICING CATCHING & THROWING: The Pro Impact Rebounder Match Rugby Ball is an ideal tool for practicing and developing your rugby skills. This rebounder rugby ball is a perfect choice for the beginners as well as professional rugby players to train their reflexes as well as stamina.
- MADE USING DURABLE MATERIAL: The Pro Impact Half Rugby Ball is made from a durable material which offers toughness to the ball. The texture of this material is such that you are able to hold a firm grip on the ball.
- HIGH VISIBILITY DUE TO ITS UNIQUE COLOUR: The Pro Impact Rebounder Match Rugby ball is very easy to spot because of its neon yellow colour. This means that you can easily use this rugby practice ball for training under daylight.
- EASY TO USE RUGBY TRAINING BALL: Since this Rugby Practice Ball does not need a partner for you to play with, this makes the ball easy to use. You can pass the ball against a wall off either hand to improve technique. The ball stays in your hand and does not slip which comes as an added advantage.
- TAKES YOUR TRAINING TO THE NEXT LEVEL: The Pro Impact Rebounder Match Rugby Ball is suitable for intense training sessions. It allows you to practice for the professional matches with ease due to its durability and easy handling. This reflex practice ball enables you to train your reflexes and helps you hone your fundamental rugby skill set.