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bombas de aire manuales bidireccionales para pelotas de ejercicio, globos, pelotas de yoga, flotadores de piscina, bombas de globos: ¡infle 2 veces más rápido!

  • $CLP 28.701



- El producto se trae a pedido, en un transcurso de 15 a 25 dias, si alguna restriccion de un ente gubernamental o de salud publica cambia o restringe vuelos, los pedidos pueden demorar mas tiempo.
- Precios pueden cambiar previo aviso. Depende de precio con proveedores o existencia.
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- Despachamos a todo Chile con Starken.
- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.
-Two-pack of two-way pumps / air inflators for quick and easy inflation of a wide variety of inflatables. Save your lungs and keep plastic out of your mouth with our hand held pumps / hand held air inflators!
-Great for a variety of inflatables, including balloons, rocket balloons, Rody or Hippity Hop bouncer hopper balls, inflatable swimming pools, and inflatable toys. Ideal when you need portable balloon inflation
-Great ball pumps compatible with exercise balls of all kinds, including exercise ball chairs, yoga balls, stability balls, core balls, workout balls, fitness balls, pilates balls, body balls, gym balls, physio balls, sitting balls, fit balls and more
-Perfect for pool floats, lake, beach and water floats / floaties, including rafts, chairs, tubes, lounges, inflatable pools and more. Great, easy-to-use alternative to electric portable balloon pumps / portable pumps and balloon blower pumps
-Our inflatables / exercise ball / balloon pumps are made from premium-quality, durable plastic, these pumps will last for thousands of pumps and can be used by adults and children, alike

Value PackTwo-pack of two-way pumps / air inflators for quick and easy inflation of awide variety of inflatables. Save your lungs and keep plastic out of your mouthwith our hand held pumps / hand held air inflators!Compatible With A Variety Of InflatablesGreat for a variety of inflatables, including balloons, rocket balloons, Rody orHippity Hop bouncer hopper balls, inflatable swimming pools, and inflatable toys.Ideal when you need portable balloon inflation.Great Ball PumpCompatible with exercise balls of all kinds, including exercise ball chairs, yoga balls,stability balls, core balls, workout balls, fitness balls, pilates balls, body balls, gym balls,physio balls, sitting balls, fit balls and more.Perfect For Pool FloatsLake, beach and water floats / floaties, including rafts, chairs, tubes, lounges,Inflatable pools and more. Great, easy-to-use alternative to electric portable balloonpumps / portable pumps and balloon blower pumps.Premium-qualityOur inflatables / exercise ball / balloon pumps are made from durable plastic,these pumps will last for thousands of pumps and can be used by adults andchildren, alike .A perfect balloon inflator / balloon hand pump / balloons pump / pump for balloons / hand balloon pump, air pump for beach ball, air pump for inflatables, exercise ball pump, inflatable boat pump, air pump for floats, etc.