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american fencing gear máscara de sable de esgrima ce350n certificado de grado nacional que incluye alambre de cabeza pequeño



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- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.
-ENJOY THE SPORT YOU LOVE with Fencing Sabre Mask from American Fencing Gear
-DURABLE & LIGHTWEIGHT - CE Level 1 350N Certified for US National Competition Level. BONUS: SabreMask head wire
-COMFORT & PROTECTION - The mask's 350N bib is padded for comfortable wear during practice and competitions. NOTE: The bib is made of electronically conductive lightweight silver lam-
-ANTI-GLARE FINISH - The inside of the mask is powder-coated with black matte finish to improve visibility and avoid glare
-SAVE 10% ON YOUR FIRST ORDER - Enter promotional code FENCENOW at checkout!

NATIONAL COMPETITION GRADE FENCING Sabre MASK FROM AMERICAN FENCING GEAR You will enjoy wearing this mask during practice or competition. The 350N grade bib is padded on the inside, making the mask fit better and more comfortable to wear. The bib is made of electronically conductive lightweight silver lam- The fencing mask is durable and light, making it possible to compete at your best. Made for US National competitions , this 350N graded mask passes industry safety standards. The Sabre Mask has a matte anti-glare finish to improve visibility and protect your eyes from any glare. BONUS: Each Sabre Mask comes pre-packed with a Sabre mask head wire