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copper heal artritis compresión guantes completos reumatoide túnel carpiano guante dolores manos soporte articulación del dedo

  • $CLP 47.863



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- Despachamos a todo Chile con Starken.
- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.
- RELIEVE PAIN: Alleviates muscle stiffness and soreness; helps to relieve from arthritis, osteoporosis, tendonitis and other pains. COPPER HEAL gloves provide mild compression for warmth that increases blood circulation, which ultimately reduces pain and promotes healing.
- QUALITY MATERIAL: Our COPPER HEAL Compression Gloves are made of 88% copper nylon 12% spandex. Our manufacture are the only ones who has copper patent.
- BENEFITS: Our COPPER HEAL Sleeves infused fabric has high copper content. It is Odor Free! The copper embedded nylon helps stabilize muscle tissue, keeping the swelling of muscle fibers at a micro level and reducing pain. accessories armour gear stand knee delivery shirt top deadlift mojo race new boys arm cramps wraps stockings tops pressurized long
- WEAR THEM 24/7: Our comfortable, practical and unisex design is made to be worn all day. Get all your daily work done while healing your hands with the COPPER HEAL gloves ! Use them for better symptoms of arthritis: thumb splint, hand brace, touch screen hands gloves, supplements and oval 8 finger splint craft heated
- 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: COPPER HEAL products are guaranteed to work and last. If for any reason you're not satisfied with the product, we will give you a full refund. Buy with confidence! Better than using arnica cream joint relief

COPPER HEAL Arthritis Compression Gloves - BEST Medical Copper Gloves GUARANTEED to work for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel, RSI , Osteoarthritis & Tendonitis - FULL HAND