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coderas con muñequeras - soporte y compresión para levantamiento de pesas, levantamiento de pesas, banco y tendinitis - manga de neopreno de 5 mm - para hombres y mujeres - 1 año de garantía

  • $CLP 127.926



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-NEXT LEVEL PERFORMANCE - Elbow sleeves that improve performance and take your workouts and to the next level - by Premium Fitness Equipment Brand Gymreapers
-5MM NEOPRENE SLEEVE (PAIR) - Get the Best Support and Comfort for your Elbows - Great for Men & Women - Please Refer to the Images for Sizing Chart.
-ENHANCE RECOVERY & PREVENT INJURY - The Compression and Warming Effects produced from our elbow sleeves is proven to help with elbow pain & injury. Great for tendonitis & tennis elbow.
-5 STAR CUSTOMER SERVICE & QUALITY- Discover why our customers rate Gymreapers #1 in customer service and product quality. Our products are backed with a 60-day hassle free return option. Try them risk free today!
-EXTRA SUPPORT - We've included a bonus pair of wrist wraps to fully support your upper body in any movement at no extra cost!

Gymreapers Elbow Sleeve & Wrist Wrap Combo Increases Performance by Providing Comfort and Support While Reducing Pain and Preventing Injury.

Gymreapers Offers Premium Quality Elbow Sleeves & Wrist Wraps along with various other forms of weightifting equipment

  • Our Reinforced Stitching and Durable 5MM Neoprene Material provide a comfortable and clean fit.
  • Ergonomic Sleeve Creation Provides Better Support & Stability.
  • 18 Inch Wrist Wraps provide Support & Comfort for Wrist Pain, Pressure, and Discomfort.

Who Are Elbow Sleeves Right For?

  • Men & Women - Beginners through Advanced Lifters will benefit in their Weight Lifting training.
  • Those who want to prevent any injuries, improve performance, or rehabilitate an old elbow or wrist injury.

Elbow Sleeve Functionality:

    ?ENHANCE PERFORMANCE: Whether you're completely new or an elite athlete, these elbow sleeves will assist in maximizing your performance.

    ? AVOID INJURY: By stabilizing and supporting the body's weaker joints you are able to avoid unnecessary injury and pain.

    ? SPEED UP RECOVERY: The compression and warming effects from the sleeves helps relieve muscle and joint pain

    ? DONT MISS A WORKOUT: The sleeves efficiently provide the support you need to assist with pain you are currently experiencing so you never miss a workout

    ? For all kinds of workouts; Powerlifting, Bench Press, Weight Lifting, Tennis and other Fitness Activities

    What's Included In Your Order?

    • 1 Pair of Elbow Sleeves
    • 1 Pair of Wrist Wraps

    Gymreapers Guarantee

    We are so confident in our Gymreapers weight lifting accessories that we offer a 1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty and a 60 Day No Hassle - No Questions Asked Return Policy

    Click the ADD TO CART Button at the Top of this Page to Join Our Movement & Protect Your Elbows Today!