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almohadillas para juanetes de sastre originales del dr. frederick - 4 almohadillas - almohadilla para juanetes de gel suave - escudo - cubierta - protector - alivio del dolor de juanetes de tailors

  • $CLP 26.958



- El producto se trae a pedido, en un transcurso de 15 a 25 dias, si alguna restriccion de un ente gubernamental o de salud publica cambia o restringe vuelos, los pedidos pueden demorar mas tiempo.
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-SET OF 4 TAILOR'S BUNION PADS: Get a total of 4 bunionette pads that will help relieve pressure on your tailor's bunion and prevent callus formation on your little toe. We like to give you spares in case you lose one!
-SOFT GEL PROTECTION: Our soft gel tailor's bunion cushion is super stretchy and secures easily around your 5th toe. Don't waste your time with bulky socks when you could just pop on a nice comfortable gel pad.
-WEAR WITH SHOES: Is there a pair of shoes that you've been dying to wear, but they just hurt your feet too much? Well, our bunions pads can be easily worn with shoes, because afterall that's when it hurts the most!
-AN IMPORTANT NOTE FROM HAPPY CUSTOMERS: These cushions work best with snug fitting socks & shoes, because it helps stop shifting and bunching of the pad. If you use them with loose shoes or heavy socks, try taping down the end of the shield with a band aid to keep it in place.
-GET BACK TO IT GUARANTEE: Your results are our top priority. It's part of who we are as physicians. So if your purchase doesn't help you get back to doing what you love, we'll find something that will or we'll give you your money back. That's our promise to help you Get Back to the Original You.

What Do I Get?
You'll receive a set of 4 tailor's bunion pads.

How do I Use Them?
Using our tailor's bunion pads is quite simple. Just put your pinky toe through the loop in the pad. Make sure to slide the loop all the way down to the base of your toe. Then simply align the pad with the most painful spot on your tailior's bunion.

How Do I Take Care of Them?
Caring for your bunion pads is simple.
- Wash in warm soapy water.
- Keep out of sunlight to prevent discoloring.
- Don't over stretch to prevent tearing.

An Important Note from Happy Customers.
Because pinky toes are small, we made our pads small too. This is great for decreasing the bulk of the pad. Many of our customers have said that the pads work best in snug fitting shoes, because they don't rotate around your toe or bunch up. Snug fitting socks help keep the pad in place too!

If you need to use the pads with loose fitting shoes or heavy socks, try taping the pad in place with a bandaid to prevent twisting and bunching.


Additional Names for Your 5th Digit...
- Pinky Toe
- Little Toe
- 5th Phalanx
- 5th Little Piggy

Don't delay! Protect your 5th little piggy today by clicking "add to cart"!