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"que el señor te bendiga y te guarde" amuleto de bendición en texto hebreo en una mano de hamsa de plata de ley 925 y collar de cadena de caja de 19 "- regalo para protección para hombres y mujeres

  • $CLP 58.272



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-BIRKAT KOHANIM STERLING SILVER HAMSA CHARM NECKLACE: Beautiful sterling silver Hamsa necklace inscribed with the Hebrew words "May The Lord Bless You And Guard You".
-BIRKAT KOHANIM (PRIESTLY BLESSING) HAMSA HAND CHARM FOR PROTECTION: The Priestly Blessing or Priestly Benediction (Birkat Kohanim) is a Hebrew prayer recited by Kohanim - the Hebrew Priests. The prayer is used to ward off evil, as is the traditional Hamsa Hand.
-STERLING SILVER JEWELRY: The Hamsa hand charm, necklace and findings are all 925 sterling silver.
-HAMSA NECKLACE DIMENSIONS: The Necklace is 19" long, suitable for both men and women.
-**100% FULL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: MIZZE Made for Luck Jewelry provides a 100% full money back guarantee. If you are unhappy with your Charm Necklace, for any reason, please contact us!

Beautiful sterling silver Hamsa necklace inscribed with the Hebrew words "May The Lord Bless You And Guard You". The Priestly Blessing or Priestly Benediction (Birkat Kohanim) is a Hebrew prayer recited by Kohanim - the Hebrew Priests. The prayer is used to ward off evil, as is the traditional Hamsa Hand. The Hamsa hand charm, necklace and findings are all 925 sterling silver. The Necklace is 19" long, suitable for both men and women. MIZZE Made for Luck Jewelry provides a 100% full money back guarantee. If you are unhappy with your Charm Necklace, for any reason, please contact us!