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colgante de orgonita de chakra curativo con cristales de arco iris para protección emf - generador de energía de orgón para equilibrar 7 chakras - alivio del estrés, meditación y joyería de yoga

  • $CLP 40.906



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Colour:- Rainbow Chips(Stone) Used : - Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Green Jade, Citrine, Red Carnelian, Red Jasper Material:- Copper Dust & Chips Production Method:- Healing Chakra Orgonite Pendant Made Up of 100% Handmade In India, Orgonite Shop Crystal Necklace Made by Orgonite Metals and Different Natural Crystals source from different part of the world. Powerful Vibrational Energy is generated when Natural Chakra crystals react with Orgone Energy which bring positivity all around. ORGONITE SHOP always give commitment to their customers about Product Quality and Service. Our customers experience Inspired alot to us, Orgonite Crystal with chakra healing natural crystals infused in Orgone Pendant Mold to make this powerful positive Energy generator Pendant. Our Orgonite Necklace make surrounding Environment full of Energetic. Resin Used for More Natural healing energy, because it contains molecular structure which includes carbon atoms chains - attract Energy by making it an 'organic' compound. Orgonite Shop Necklace Open Heart, Mind and Spirit by it's healing power. Develop to Protect from Harmful EMF Radiations, and used in for Reiki Healing practices, yoga meditation kit and enjoy the positives Vibes. Our Orgonite Shop Products are made of 100% Genuine materials - Clear Cast Resin, Seven Chakra Crystal, Copper, SBB Special Coil With Black Thread/Chord. Please Note-: All our Orgonite Shop Products are 100% Handcrafted in India by Best Artisian. Due to Handmade, It may be slightly different as shown in the images. Uses:- Meditation, Fengshui ,- Healing, Extreme Money Attraction, Love or Sexual attraction, Spiritual Protect ion and to ward off the evil eye, Aid in sleep, Heighten ones psychic ability, Stress relief and antianxiety -