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colgante de chakra de orgón de cristal hecho a mano de jet energized cubo de metatron merkaba redondo de 2 pulgadas aprox. prosperidad paz mental protección emf folleto de terapia de cristales la imagen es solo una referencia

  • $CLP 35.675



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BRAND: JET INTERNATIONAL DELIVERY : EXPEDITED Product Name: Jet Energized Crystal Orgone Chakra Pendant Metatron's Cube Merkaba Round 2 inch approx. Purpose: When our chakras are blocked, or not in balance, the free flow of energy is impeded, leading to physical, emotional, mental or spiritual dis-ease. Orgone's & Crystal's help us unblock and activate them. . Description: Best for Healing, Chakra Balancing, Positive Energy, Meditation, Sound Sleep, Gift and many more applications. Gives great sense of Spiritual Awakening, Mental Peace, Psychic Horizon, Magical, Divine They can be used in many different methods of healing. They can be used to heal the entire body or aura, or they can be used on a specific area of the body, or on a particular chakra. Removes all bad energy, evil forces, negativity, wrong choice. Best suited for Health, Wealth, Progress, Prosperity, Family Bonding, Long Lasting Relationship. Stress Relief, Crystal Therapy, Good Luck, Fortune, Self Esteem. To program a crystal for specific use or with specific energies, sit quietly away from distractions or strong electrical devices and external energies, then hold the crystal in front of you, clear your mind and focus on the stone. Give the crystal a cleanse with white light as explained above. Benefits Enhances; awareness visualization, intuition, psychic abilities. Enhances happier moods very noticeable. Clear's negative entities Helps reach higher vibration of energies Helps cleanse the chakra's. Disclaimer Jet International Brand & Products are Copyrighted & Trademarked. Any Copying is Strictly Prohibited. Any violation in the same regards may lead to your account suspension on AmazonIMAGE IS JUST A REFERENCE