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colgante curativo de chakra orgone con cordón ajustable - collar de 7 piedras de chakra para protección emf y curación espiritual

  • $CLP 46.067



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BASK IN POSITIVITY and promote spiritual well-being with our 7-Chakra Orgone Pendant. 7 CHAKRA STONES include amethyst, lapis lazuli, blue aventurine, green aventurine, citrine, red carnelian and red jasper. ENJOY RENEWED CONFIDENCE and protection from negativity as the Orgonite Pendant raises your vibration and that of your environment. HANDCRAFTED from a mixture of chakra stones, metals and resins, giving each its own unique and original appearance. ADJUSTABLE CORD NECKLACE allows you to position your Orgone Pendant over the heart or the throat for optimal protection. Protect yourself mentally, physically and spiritually By harnessing the amazing powers of amethyst, lapis lazuli, blue aventurine, green aventurine, citrine, red carnelian and red jasper, this beautiful 7 chakra necklace promotes spiritual healing as well as EMF and psychic protection from negative entities and radiation emitting devices like cell phones, Wi-Fi routers and network towers. It also acts as an immune booster and energy generator to enhance your life force, awaken creativity and strengthen your psychic intuition. Handcrafted Orgone Pendant for chakra healing Each of our orgonite necklaces is fashioned from a mixture of metals, chakra stones and resin. These 3 components are believed to work in concert to raise your vibration and the vibration of your surroundings, converting negative energy into positive. Because they are handmade, each orgonite pendant is assured of being a completely unique addition to your chakra jewelry collection. It is a thoughtful gift for anyone needing relief from stress or seeking mental clarity. Surround yourself with the power of positive energy. Add our 7 Chakra Orgone Healing Necklace to your cart today.