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chakra energy generator orgone pyramid for emf protection & healing - meditación pirámides de orgonita / chakra de cristal - equilibra el campo de energía - con guía de chakra



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- Despachamos a todo Chile con Starken.
- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.

BEAUTIFUL HANDMADE ORGONE PYRAMID is as colorful as it is powerful. This focuses and emanates positive energy all around you and throughout the room. You can immediately feel its presence as it turns doubt and frustration to delight and confidence with the positive energy to move forward. STRENGTHENS ENERGY BODY by converting low frequencies to higher frequencies. This helps heal, soothe, and give your body better wellness. It works for adults, children, pets, and all other life forms. You may even notice your house plants look greener with more leaves and producing nicer flowers. CONTAINS 7 POWERFUL STONES including Violet Onyx, Indigo Onyx, Blue Aquamarine Onyx, Green Onyx, Yellow Onyx, Orange Onyx, and Red Onyx. All this is set in Clear Himalayan Crystal Quartz for a synergistic effect that can change your life, your health, and your future for the better. PROTECTS FROM HARMFUL RADIATION in cell phones, EMF from computer monitors, electrical outlets, cell phone towers, all the WIFI signals that are everywhere, computers, and much more. Organic resin and inorganic metal creates orgone for a life giving force that protects and enhances. 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ensures this will be your best bet for a pleasing no-risk purchase. Many customers love this pyramid so much they return to buy several more to put around their home, in their car, and at work. HURRY AND BUY NOW while we have this handmade wonder in plentiful supply. This makes a fantastic birthday gift, holiday present, anniversary gift, or for Mother's Day and Father's Day.