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turmalina negra orgone gemstone pirámide y colgante flor de la vida símbolo reiki cristal curativo limpiador chakra equilibrio emf protección feng shui decoración para el hogar paz riqueza prosperidad piedras buena suerte

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  • Código producto: B08BH12GS7
  • Disponibilidad: No hay Disponibilidad.



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GEMSTONE ORGONE PYRAMID:Orgone gemstone pyramid helps to neutralize electronic smog (EMF) from cell phones, cell phone towers, wi-fi, computers and electronic devices,tv, mobile phones that you expose yourself to on a daily basis. The interaction of organic resin and inorganic metal creates orgone.GEMSTONE ORGONE PENDANT:Orgone Necklace/Pendant gives emf protection, draws in negative energy and transmuting into positive energy. As a result,using these orgone products can be beneficial for everyone. You can wear gemstones as pendants also, it will be your unique style and also it looks very creative and blog. So go through it with full of confidence and comfort.BLACK TOURMALINE GEMSTONE:Black Tourmaline is probably the stone when dealing with negative energy. Not only does help get rid of negative energy, it also work on attracting positive energy.It has other interesting qualities that truly makes it a mysterious gemstone.CRYSTAL POINT:It has been called the "Universal Crystal" because of its many uses and is beneficial for manifesting, healing, protection and channeling.FLOWER OF LIFE SYMBOL SYMBOL:The meaning behind the Flower of Life symbol is that it is believed to represent the cycle of creation. It depicts how all life comes from one singular source - represented by the circle in the middle of the pattern. It symbolizes creation and reminds us of the unity of everything: we're all built from the same blueprint.INCREASE POSITIVITY: The gemstone orgone pyramid will provide you a positive environment. You can decorate your home or office to increase the positivity in the surrounding.HOME DECOR COLLECTION:The gemstone orgone pyramid is a perfect handmade home decor item.This will give a classy and elegant look to your house and will attract everyone. You may keep the gemstone pyramid in house,office, office table, desk etc.