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pirámide de amatista piedra preciosa cristal chakra equilibrante brillo generador de energía positiva reiki aura curativa chakras de limpieza piedras buena suerte decoración del hogar piedra de prosperidad colgante de tubo regalo espiritual

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  • Código producto: B08KFQN5KF
  • Disponibilidad: No hay Disponibilidad.



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- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.

ABOUT AMETHYST ORGONE GEMSTONE PYRAMID: The Amethyst Orgone crystal gemstone pyramid with copper spiral & crystal quartz size is 2.5-3inch(approx.).The Amethyst orgone pipe pendant size is 1.5-2 Inch. Amethyst orgone gemstone crystal beautiful decorative pyramid for home dcor, gemstone pendant for gift item for your friends and relatives, gift for special days like birthday, anniversary and also for your loved ones. Can be used for Reiki Healing, Feng Shui, Vastu, Crystal Healing, Aura Cleansing .AMETHYST GEMSTONE PYRAMID BENEFITS:GOOD LUCK PYRAMID:The gemstone orgone pyramid brings good luck, wealth, prosperity, positive energy, happiness. The crystal for bringing in money, for grounding, for opening up into prosperity in many ways, but especially in financial terms. It's widely used as a crystal of luck and fortune.POSITIVE ENERGY GENERATOR:The orgone gemstone pyramid & pendant is symbol of positivity and transmutes negativity into positive forces. The gemstone provide the positivity in the environment & reduce the negativity in the surrounding.HEALING ORGONE PYRAMID:Orgone pyramids are definitely a beautiful piece of eye candy but not only being beautiful, they have the powerful ability to bring us into healing harmony and balance. Orgone pyramids are powerful and in beautiful forms known for their ability to convert negative energy into positive energy, balancing the spiritual.ABOUT AMETHYST GEMSTONE:Amethyst is the world's most popular purple gemstone. It is the purple color variety of quartz and has been used in personal adornment for over 2000 years. It is the birthstone of February and an important New Age gem.NOTE: Our all products are Handmade & Handcrafted in INDIA, you will receive the similar item as picture shown, not exact one since stone is unique.