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abundance orgone pyramid 3 capas de piedras naturales con el símbolo de la flor de la vida | generador de energía de orgonita con crystal point y energía reiki



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- Despachamos a todo Chile con Starken.
- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.

Powerful Orgonite - This beautiful Orgone pyramid is made with 3 layers of exquisite Green Jade , Tigers Eye and Citrine Natural stones that related to the Heart & Solar plexus Chakras associated with Love, health, courage, self-confidence, self-esteem, and positivity, they are also related with Abundance and manifestation. BEAUTIFUL DETAIL, HARMONY AT HOME - Our crystal pyramids are designed with a metal flower of life symbol nestled peacefully amongst gemstones and resin, emitting love & reiki energy. A perfect addition to any meditation, yoga, or spiritual session, this source of positive energy makes a lovely addition to the decor and feng shui of any home. ENERGY TRANSFORMING ORGONITE - Orgonite is said to attract etheric energy similarly to Reichs accumulators. Our orgonite is a mixture of catalyzed fiberglass resin with metal shavings and aluminum powders which is poured into a mold. Charged with a brass coil, black tourmaline stones, and a crystal tip, this product acts as an energy transformer to cleanse your energy field and energy centers (or chakras). HANDCRAFTED HEALING - Because this product is handcrafted, there might be slight deviations in size, shape, and color compared to image shown here. Orgonite is a mixture of catalyzed fiberglass resin with metal shavings, particles or powders, poured into molds, said to attract etheric energy similarly to Reich&rsquo's accumulators. Receives the negative energy or psychic attack, and transmutes it BACK to the sender- Shields from harmful electromagnetic radiationfrom TVs, computers and mobile phonesby emitting a small electric current Relieves stress and anxiety Improves self-confidence Balances and clears chakras and aura - associated with Heart and solar plexus chakras