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3 púas de guitarra chickenpicks badazz iii de 2,0 mm

  • $CLP 46.590



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- Despachamos a todo Chile con Starken.
- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.

- The SOUND is much more SOLID because these picks have more MASS. Not those plinky thin-, annoying- and unwanted clacky overtones, but a more pronounced loud-, clear- and BRIGHT tone with lots of BOTTOM-END.
- Your guitar never sounded so full and you never played fast and picked accurately that easy.
- The thickness of the body, coupled with the texture of these picks make it very easy to hold while at the same time, avoiding the need to grip too firmly.
- The thermosetting plastic is very rigid (not bending at all), eliminating any pick drag thereby allowing YOU to control YOUR sound.
- The material also helps avoiding chipped edges, and ensuring months, if not years, of uninhibited, uninterrupted playability. Due to the material and beveled edges ChickenPicks guitar picks are very adaptive to pinch harmonics, which have never been easier to create. The beveled edges allow the pick to glide on and off the strings effortlessly making it easier to play (as compared to a conventional thick- or heavy pick.

The BADAZZ III is a boutique heavy Jazz style shaped guitar pick with 3 useable tips. 1 large- and sharp-/pointed tip and 2 less pointed tips on the shoulder of the pick. in 2.0mm and 2.5mm. It has beveled edges for more comfort while playing. The material (thermosetting plastic) and thickness create a more bright- and clear tone with lots of mid- and bottom end. These are thick guitar picks, but due to the thin (beveled) edges, they don't feel like heavy guitar picks. Choose these picks if you're used to use small sharp pointed Jazz-style shaped (like Jazz III) guitar picks.