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conjuntos de cuerdas de modal / azul de 3 cuerdas open g "gdg" - ¡elija entre 4 variedades de conjuntos!

  • $CLP 18.066



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- Choose from 4 popular Open G 3-string tuning varieties!
- Open G is the most popular tuning for cigar box guitars. Great for blues, folk, rock & more!
- Low G-Mid D-High G (SKU #34-015-01) is our most popular cigar box guitar string set
- See product description text below for specific string sizes in each pack. LMM = Low G-Mid D-Mid G | LMH = Low G-Mid D-High G | LHH = Low G-High D-High G | MHH = Mid G-High D-High G
- High-quality USA-made steel and phosphor bronze strings

Size:LMHOpen G "GDG" is the most popular tuning for 3-string cigar box guitars, and for good reason. It's just so easy to bang out good ole gritty blues using this classic tuning. Sometimes known as the G Modal or G Power Chord tuning, if you are looking for a great tuning to try on your CBG, this is probably it! ------------------------------------ Open G GDG String Set Varieties - Low G, Middle D, Middle G (SKU# 34-014-01): This set is the lowest of the low. All wound strings, .042", .030" and .022" phosphor bronze wound. Choose this option if you want a deep, low, growly blues tone. Low G, Middle D, High G (SKU# 34-015-01): OUR MOST POPULAR SET! This set is very similar to the first one above, but it swaps out the middle G for a high unwound G string. Having that high note really works well in this set, and allows for a stronger melody line. We recommend this set! String sizes are .042" wound, .030" wound and .009" plain steel. Low G, High D, High G (SKU# 34-016-01): This set keeps the low G but moves both the D and G up into the higher register. This is our second favorite set after the one above - it keeps a nice low thumpy bass note, balanced with the higher treble sounds of the high D and G. String sizes are .042" wound, .012" plain steel and .009" plain steel. Middle G, High D, High G (SKU# 34-017-01): This set brings the low G up to a middle G - still a wound string, but a full octave higher. This is definitely a treble-heavy set, with a lot more high-end twang - which can be very cool, if that is the sound you are looking for! String sizes are .022" wound, .012" plain steel and .009" plain steel.