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beth orton sugaring season

  • $CLP 113.301



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Product DescriptionVinyl LP pressing. 2012 album from the British Indie singer- songwriter. Sugaring Season captures the classic hypnotic sound that won her prominence, at the same time as it shows a singer at the full maturity of her instrument, with a new soulfulness that can recall Roberta Flack or Nina Simone one moment, June Christy at the next. Sugaring Season is in many ways a culmination of Orton's art of contradictions, a full circle from that first John Martyn cover she recorded with William Orbit back in the day soulful and ambient, lush and bittersweet, starkly still and fiercely rhythmic.Review"Beth's masterpiece" --Mojo Magazine"A quietly spellbinding album" --New York Times"Folk music for those who think they're tired of folk music" --Q Magazine