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macs professional razors edge barber hair cutting shears - tijera de acero inoxidable quirúrgico de alta calidad, 5.5 "-14029

  • $CLP 26.923



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-Professional Barber Razors Edge Hair Cutting Shears 5.5" Macs Professional Brand Cut Hair Smoothly with out Any Noise The Finger Rest Can be removed for your comfort, and the finger Insert Also Can Be Removed For Your Big Fingers , The best size for baby hair cutting and for men moustache
-Macs Professional Scissors Hand Crafted With High Quality 440 Japanese Stainless Steel, with high Glass Mirror finish, and have Gold Plated knob for this scissors to make your choice to lose and tighten blades
-Macs Razors Edge Hollow Ground Hold Edge With Adjustable Tension Screw hold scissors properly and give comfort to your finger
-Macs Professional Scissors Remove able Finger Rest And Removable Rubber Insert to give choice for to use easy and Comfortably for to use every day, best gift for your boyfriend and family members to remember you when ever they use this scissors
-Macs Professional Scissors buy with 100% Satisfaction and Money back Guarantee, Comer With Free Canvas Leather Case

Macs Professional Scissors UseFor precision and bold haircuts. ergonomic design for swift handling.For texturizing hair. Style and define haircuts. Emphasizes on detail. Best of both worlds. Combination of the Hair Cutting Scissor A and Hair Thinning Scissor B. Use both for ultimate cuts and styling. For maximized control. Great for beginners. Delivers clean and accurate haircuts. For styling with control. Deliver detail in haircuts with confidence. Ultimate Starter Kit. Great for hair enthusiasts looking to take the first step into the world of hair design. Finger Rest, Curved Material Japanese Stainless Steel-5.5"