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laird superfood hydrate coconut water powder drink supplement with coconut water and auqamin, all natural, no added sugars, gluten-free, non-gmo, vegan, 8 oz. bag, pack of 1

  • $CLP 31.229



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-All-natural, delicious, cost-effective and environmentally friendly hydration enhancer
-ULTIMATE HYDRATION: Pure freeze dried coconut water contains potassium and electrolytes to replenish your body’s fluids
-WITH AQUAMIN: Aquamin is a mineral rich, calcified sea algae that adds a wide array of beneficial minerals to every serving
-NO ADDITIVES: Contains no sugar additives, no artificial ingredients, no sweeteners, no artificial colors and no chemicals
-Good source of calcium + iron.

The world is waking up to the absolute necessity of hydration to maintain optimal health.  However, many individuals find it difficult to enhance hydration naturally, leading them to rely on highly-engineered and sugar-laden sports drinks, juices, and sodas, which are typically expensive and consumed in plastic bottles.

Laird Superfood believes HYDRATE, our all-natural, delicious, cost-effective and environmentally friendly hydration enhancer is a superior alternative.  HYDRATE's only two ingredients are pure freeze dried coconut water, which contains potassium and electrolytes to replenish your body's fluids and Aquamin, a mineral rich, calcified sea algae that adds a wide array of beneficial minerals to every serving of HYDRATE.

This all-natural hydration blend is low in calories, contains no sugar additives, no artificial ingredients, no sweeteners, no artificial colors and no chemicals.

Directions:  Add one tablespoon of HYDRATE to 8 ounces of water in a reusable bottle or container. Full HYDRATE package mixed with water can produce 1.2 gallons of HYDRATE equivalent to 19 single servings at full strength.