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animal de peluche elefante africano para bebé, juguete de peluche de wild republic, regalos para niños, cuddlekins 8 pulgadas

  • $CLP 32.956



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- The elephant in the room right now is your desire to own this stuffed animal African Elephant Baby
- This animal plush makes a perfect kids toy or a friend for any supporter of zoo animals
- Approximate size of this heart-warming plush toy is 8 inches, allowing you to take this stuffed toy on long car rides
- These lifelike plushies are created with soft high-quality materials and are surface washable in case you get the stuffed animal dirty
- Realistic stuffed animals provide you with the opportunity to bring the wildlife into your home

As you can see in the picture of this plushie, the African Elephant Baby is missing its tusks. That is because they lose their large white tusks when they are babies and then adult tusks begin to grow in. This is similar to how kids lose their baby teeth before their adult teeth grow in. Due to this, these zoo stuffed animals are excellent toddler toys, baby toys, and kids toys to help your kids sleep when the tooth fairy stops in for a visit. If you are looking for a gift for teens, Christmas gifts, or a birthday gift for kids, this stuffed animal will be one they will not forget. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, with unique specialization in lifelike stuffed animals.