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24 make a pirate stickers for kids - great pirate theme birthday party favors - fun craft project for children 3+ - let your kids get creative & design their favorite pirate stickers



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-??VALUE 24 PACK: Save Money by purchasing this value pack of 24 sticker sheets
-??EXCLUSIVE DESIGN: One of a kind! Edgewood Toys is the ONLY place where you will find these popular "Make-A-Pirate" sticker sets
-??GREAT PARTY FAVOR: Did you know that Pirate themed birthday parties are one of the most popular? These sticker sheets are perfect to add to your goodie bags as a party favor for your guests
-??EASY TO USE: Designed for ages 3+. Your kids will have no problem peeling and trying different combinations until they get their Pirates to look just the way they want
-??SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: All Edgewood Toys products are satisfaction guaranteed. Your kids will love these or we will return your money!