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bunch o balloons water balloons - zuru slingshot

  • $CLP 35.388



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-BUNCH O BALLOONS SLINGSHOT PACK: Blast Balloons up to 100ft/30m with the ZURU Bunch O Balloons Slingshot plus 100 self-sealing, rapid fill water balloons!
-SOAK YOUR TARGET: With the slingshot, you can soak targets from up to 130 ft before they even see it coming! Simply load the Slingshot pouch, draw, aim and fire!
-SELF-SEALING RAPID-FILL WATER BALLOONS: With ZURU's innovative O-Ring technology and Rapid Fill capabilities enables you to do more filling and more playing without the hassle of hand-tying every individual water balloons!
-PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1 x Bunch O Balloons Slingshot, 3 x Bunch O Balloon (100 Water Balloons)
-ZURU BUNCH O BALLOONS: Say goodbye to the stress and mess of filling individual water balloons, and hell to never ending summer fun! Simply connect, fill and make hundreds of water balloons with no hand-tying

Unleash the thrill of summer with ZURU BUNCH O BALLOONS! Fill and tie 100 water balloons in less than 60 seconds with these sensational self-tying water balloons! With innovative O-ring technology and Rapid fill capabilities, say goodbye to the stress and mess of filling individual water balloons and say Hello to never ending splash out loud fun! Simply connect to a tap or a hose, fill and make hundreds of water balloons with no hand-tying. With the BUNCH O BALLOONS slingshot, you can soak your targets from up to 130 feet/ 40 meters before they can even see it coming! Simply load a water balloon into the Slingshot pouch, draw, aim and fire! Take them to a pool party, to your backyard, to a barbecue, The beach or anywhere else to unleash summer no matter where you are! It includes all you need for an epic and refreshing water fight, with the hassle-free and award-winning water balloons that fill by the bunches, auto-ties, and makes summer a lot easier to unleash! Includes 1 BUNCH O BALLOONS slingshot & BUNCH O BALLOONS (35 self-tying, rapid fill water balloons in each).