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10 pack replacement arrows – 16 inch long arrow for kids | extra replacement arrows for archery bow set – maxx action

  • $CLP 27.481



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-Add 10 more arrows to your collection of archery and hunting materials with this pack.
-Each arrow measures over 16 inches long
-Rubber suction cup safety tip is designed in high visibility orange
-Plastic dowels are light-weight, making them easy to carry and easier to launch!
-High-quality durability makes these the perfect toy for pretend play both indoors and out with your Maxx Action archery set!

Ready. . Aim fire! Add 10 more light-weight Maxx action arrows to your hunting collection. Suction cup safety tips make these arrows perfect for realistic target practice. Playtime archery just got ten times longer! Hunting bow and target sold separately.Established in 2012, Sunny Days Entertainment, LLC is comprised of a core group of toy industry veterans with the mission of spreading sunshine through traditional, creative play. Our focus is to enhance the experience for consumers in order to expand children?s imaginations and encourage them to unplug and play. At Sunny Days, each toy is designed with safety in mind. All of our toys are thoroughly tested to meet the highest standards possible. We stand by our superior quality and want to ensure complete satisfaction. If you experience any trouble, please reach out to our team so we can make it right.