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16 balancing wooden blocks multicolored stacking stones building sensory fun for kids educational toy enhances motor skills, learning, color and shape recognition for toddlers

  • Marca:

    atzi hats

  • Código producto: B08DDLPPQG
  • Disponibilidad: Traemos a pedido, tiempo de 15 a 25 dias.
  • $CLP 32.188



- El producto se trae a pedido, en un transcurso de 15 a 25 dias, si alguna restriccion de un ente gubernamental o de salud publica cambia o restringe vuelos, los pedidos pueden demorar mas tiempo.
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-Preschool Educational Fun for 3 Year Old: These colorful wooden blocks are a good way to make your little angel learn various skills like counting, stacking, matching, shape and color recognition learning, etc. Let your children learn various educational skills with this wooden rainbow stacker set while having a fun time.
-Safe and Natural: Our stacking blocks are made using high-quality natural pine wood to give you a durable joyous toy for your children. The wooden stacking toys are non-toxic and safe for your little children so that you can let your family enjoy without worrying about their health.
-Balancing Game: With the wood blocks, children learn the art of balancing and can have faster learning through competition with other children. The beautiful building blocks have various charming colors making them very attractive for children.
-Various Benefits: The rainbow stacker wooden toy help in improving hand-eye coordination, motor skills, practice ability, brain creativity, etc. It not only facilitates children to learn the sorting, matching, and recognizing different shapes and colors but also in developing creative thinking skills.
-Ideal Gift: The creative and delightful wooden building blocks make a perfect gift for child and can be carried conveniently in the backpack, handbag, etc. Present this attractive and colorful educational toy on any special occasion like birthday, Christmas, etc.

Looking for something fun and educational for your children that can help in their early learning and skill development? These Balancing Wooden Blocks help them to develop various educational skills and mental development.Natural and Durable: Our wooden rainbow stacker blocks are made using high-quality pine wood, making it a highly durable and reliable product. The non-toxic wooden blocks are safe for your children and will never harm them in any way.Multipurpose Wood Blocks: The wooden building blocks can be used for hours of fun and entertainment without harmful screen time while helping children to develop enhanced motor skills. You can also use these rainbow blocks as decorative items.Portable and Functional: The wooden stacking toys can be easily accommodated in the handbag, backpack, etc. The rainbow stacker helps children to learn balancing, shape, and color recognition, enhances hand-eye coordination, and takes out their creative side. Click on the button and add the educational toy to your cart today.