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asiento / soporte de guitarra fender 351

  • Marca:


  • Código producto: B083F856BR
  • Disponibilidad: Traemos a pedido, tiempo de 15 a 25 dias.
  • $CLP 315.252



- El producto se trae a pedido, en un transcurso de 15 a 25 dias, si alguna restriccion de un ente gubernamental o de salud publica cambia o restringe vuelos, los pedidos pueden demorar mas tiempo.
- Precios pueden cambiar previo aviso. Depende de precio con proveedores o existencia.
- Fotos referenciales del producto, consulte no mas
- Despachamos a todo Chile con Starken.
- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.

- Collapsible-seat design with removable backrest
- Gray tweed seat and backrest fabric with black faux leather accents; non-slip rubber feet
- Embroidered F logo on 351 pick-shaped backrest
- Some assembly required; all hardware included
- Dimensions: Height: 44

Product DescriptionIdeal for any guitarist or bassist, this combination seat and guitar stand makes it easy to have a productive practice session or survive a long performance. Comfortably padded for long playing sessions, the seat and Fender 351 pick-shaped backrest with embroidered F logo are covered in woven gray tweed fabric. The flip-up/down instrument cradledesigned to fit most guitars and bassesdisplays your instrument securely while the integrated crossbar footrest accommodates almost any leg position. Designed for easy transport, the seat legs fold and the backrest is removable to make it even more compact when headed to a gig.From the ManufacturerIdeal for any guitarist or bassist, this combination seat and guitar stand makes it easy to have a productive practice session or survive a long performance. Comfortably padded for long playing sessions, the seat and Fender 351 pick-shaped backrest with embroidered F logo are covered in woven gray tweed fabric. The flip-up/down instrument cradledesigned to fit most guitars and bassesdisplays your instrument securely while the integrated crossbar footrest accommodates almost any leg position. Designed for easy transport, the seat legs fold and the backrest is removable to make it even more compact when headed to a gig.