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- kit de práctica para estudiantes de heridas quirúrgicas, demostración de primeros auxilios de emergencia

  • $CLP 39.145



- El producto se trae a pedido, en un transcurso de 15 a 25 dias, si alguna restriccion de un ente gubernamental o de salud publica cambia o restringe vuelos, los pedidos pueden demorar mas tiempo.
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- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.
-EXCELLENT QUALITY : Passed International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards/CE and is designed for demonstration use only but can be included in a medical student's suture kit for TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY. The mixed suture pack consists of NON-ABSORBABLE: Nylon, Polypropylene, Polyester, Silk in different sizes (USP): 2-0, 3-0
-ULTRA SHARP- Surgical stainless-steel needle (3/8 Curve Cutting 25mm, 30mm) is silicone-coated, which provides maximum strength and efficiency. The Ultra sharp needles are pre-attached to thick sutures of caliber 2/0, the Medium caliber of 3/0 that makes our product as the best pack available here.
-EXCELLENT STRENGTH- The monofilament and braided threads (75cm) are made from high-quality material that resists repeated bending and optimizes knot integrity. Medical residents, practicing doctors, veterinary, EMTs, paramedic, EMS, physician assistant, pathologist's extenders, nursing students, and other allied medical professionals will find this suture set useful and practical to use.
-HIGH STANDARD: The product passed quality assurance review agencies. Understanding suturing dexterity is easy with the use of the gear. The suture combination allows an individual to appreciate the difference each suture type and thickness and needle sizes.
-NOTE:This product is for demonstration purposes only and is not intended for use on humans or animals.

Package includes :-Silk Braided Sterile Non-Absorbable Suture thread Size 2/0, 3/8 circle curved cutting 30mm, 75cm3 Silk Braided Sterile Non-Absorbable Suture thread Size 3/0, 3/8 circle curved cutting 25mm, 75cm3 Polyester Braided Sterile Green Non-Absorbable Suture, Thread Size 2/0, 3/8 circle curved cutting 30mm, 75cm3 Polyester Braided Sterile Green Non-Absorbable Suture, Thread Size 3/0, 3/8 circle curved cutting 25mm, 75cm3 Nylon Sterile MonoFilament Non-Absorbable Suture thread Size 2/0, 3/8 circle curved cutting 30mm, 75cm3 Nylon Sterile MonoFilament Non-Absorbable Suture thread Size 3/0, 3/8 circle curved cutting 25mm, 75cm3 Polypropylene Monofilament, Sterile, Blue Non-Absorbable Suture, Thread Size 2/0, 3/8 circle curved cutting 30mm, 75cm3 Polypropylene Monofilament, Sterile, Blue Non-Absorbable Suture, Thread Size 3/0, 3/8 circle curved cutting 25mm, 75cmThe sutures can be used for: Exams and study practice Teaching demonstrations Practice before starting a real job or residency NOTE: This product is for demonstration purposes only and is not intended for use on humans or animals.100% Money Back Guarantee : If this Product is not what you are looking for or are not satisfied, feel free to return the product for refund.