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  • $CLP 179.229



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Product Description Prehispanic Maya architecture features a large variety of artistic expression, from reliefs and sculptures made of stone or stucco to mural paintings and graffiti found on the plastered surfaces of their walls and fa-ades. All of this constitutes both an important artistic component which complements the architecture, and a new source of information about the people who built these buildings and those who lived within them. In order to preserve them it is vital that innovative techniques are used during archaeological excavations and explorations which allow detailed records to be made immediately after the discovery of such ancient vestiges. This book presents selected studies about the techniques for documentation and analysis of architectural decorative remnants in use by a variety of research teams currently working in the Maya area as well as interesting discussions about the symbolism of the artistic elements on the fa-ades of Maya buildings. About the Author Cristina Vidal Lorenzo and Gaspar Mu-oz Cosme