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18th street gifts toallas de cocina para gatos, juego de 3 toallas de cocina bordadas, decoración de gatos para amantes de los gatos

  • $CLP 82.021



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-Set of 3 premium embroidered cat dish towels with the sayings Think Pawsitive, Putting the Me Back in Meow, and Love is a Four Legged Word.
-Pretty and practical, these kitty kitchen towels do more than just dry dishes, they look great too! Each towel features embroidered accents on one side and a decorative stitched hemline that makes them fancy enough to use in a guest bathroom or powder room.
-100% cotton towels are machine washable, fast drying and lint free.
-Each towel measures 18 inches by 28 inches and has a sewn in loop for display
-Towel set includes a dishwasher magnet that makes it easy to know whether your dishes are clean or dirty. Heavy duty magnet adheres securely to any metal surface. Great for washing machines too!

You know that cat-obsessed friend or family member that you struggle to find a gift for? Look no further than these adorable cat towels. These pretty towels from Kay Dee Designs make a great gift that any cat mom or dad is sure to love and use every day! Towel Set includes a coordinating dishwasher magnet that makes it easy to know whether your dishes are clean or dirty. Heavy-duty magnet adheres securely to any metal surface.