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almohadilladbde agarre para pisos de madera y alfombras 17"

  • $CLP 47.611



- El producto se trae a pedido, en un transcurso de 15 a 25 dias, si alguna restriccion de un ente gubernamental o de salud publica cambia o restringe vuelos, los pedidos pueden demorar mas tiempo.
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- Despachamos a todo Chile con Starken.
- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.
Quedarse! Almohadillas redondas antideslizantes para muebles reclinables, almohadillas de agarre para pisos de madera y alfombras, (25 pulgadas de diámetro exterior, 17 pulgadas de diámetro interior) Nota: Elija un tamaño ligeramente más grande que la base.

-ROUND ANTI-SLIP RECLINER GRIPPERS: Stay! Furniture Grippers are a simple but effective solution to your furniture slipping problems. Our furniture gripper pads stop your furniture from slipping, so you stop worrying about constantly moving your couches and chairs back to where they belong. This furniture pad is for recliners, but we have other round and square pads for other furniture types.
-PROTECT YOUR FLOORS AND FURNITURE: Take precautions and protect your floors with Stay! Furniture Grippers. Our gripper pads ensure that both your floors and your furniture avoid ugly scratches, dents, or paint stains. Keep your floors and furniture beautiful with the simple solution of Stay! Furniture Grippers!
-FOR HARDWOOD, CARPET, AND MORE: Hardwood, carpet, marble, cement, laminate, tile, and vinyl floors are all surfaces that Stay! Furniture Grippers work on and protect. Don?t worry if you need to move a chair from the carpeted living room to the hardwood kitchen. Our furniture gripper pads will work in both locations!
-NO GLUE, FELT, OR NAILS: We want your furniture to stay beautiful and functional, so we designed our furniture grippers to leave no sticky residue. There is nothing to glue or nail. Our one-of-a-kind pads are made with a light rubber rather than felt.
-EASY TO USE: No need to worry about difficult installation. Simply place our gripper pads underneath the legs of your furniture and the furniture will stay! Need to move your furniture somewhere else? Remove the gripper pads, move the furniture, and place the pads back under the legs. The Stay! Furniture Grippers are easy and flexible to use.

Stay! Furniture Grippers are a simple but effective solution to your furniture slipping problems. Our furniture gripper pads stop your furniture from slipping so you stop worrying about constantly moving your couches and chairs back to where they belong. Take precautions and protect your floors with Stay! Furniture Grippers. Our gripper pads ensure that both your floors and your furniture avoid ugly scratches, dents, or paint stains. Keep your floors and furniture beautiful no matter the surface type. Hardwood, carpet, marble, cement, laminate, tile, and vinyl floors are all surfaces that Stay! Furniture Grippers work on and protect. Don?t worry if you need to move a chair from the carpeted living room to the hardwood kitchen. Our furniture gripper pads will work in both locations! We want your furniture to stay beautiful and functional, so we designed our furniture grippers to leave no sticky residue. There is nothing to glue or nail. Our one-of-a-kind pads are made with a light rubber rather than felt. No need to worry about difficult installation. Simply place our gripper pads underneath the legs of your furniture and the furniture will stay! Need to move your furniture somewhere else? Remove the gripper pads, move the furniture, and place the pads back under the legs. The Stay! Furniture Grippers are easy and flexible to use. This pad is specifically for recliners, but we have other round and square pads in sets of 4. COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK IN YOUR SEARCH BAR FOR STRAIGHT RECLINER GRIPPERS http://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W3PMSWT?ref=myi_title_dp