Tu carrito

10 bóveda de semillas de hierbas culinarias - heirloom y no ogm - 3000+ semillas para plantar para jardín de hierbas al aire libre o interior, albahaca, cilantro, perejil, cebollino, tomillo, orégano, eneldo, mejorana, menta, estragón

  • $CLP 26.958



- El producto se trae a pedido, en un transcurso de 15 a 25 dias, si alguna restriccion de un ente gubernamental o de salud publica cambia o restringe vuelos, los pedidos pueden demorar mas tiempo.
- Precios pueden cambiar previo aviso. Depende de precio con proveedores o existencia.
- Fotos referenciales del producto, consulte no mas
- Despachamos a todo Chile con Starken.
- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.
-10 MOST POPULAR CULINARY HERBS and 10 BONUS PLANT MARKERS - Stop buying dry, stale, flavorless dry herbs and start growing your own herb garden indoors or outdoors. Nothing compares to fresh herb plants and a beautiful garden.
-GREAT GIFT FOR GARDENERS - CHEFS - SURVIVALIST - What else is better than giving a gardener a bag full of seeds to have a bountiful garden. Our collection of starter seeds are great and include planting instructions and plant markers for each herb.
-3000+ SEEDS IN EVERY PACKAGE and INSTRUCTION BOOKLET - Our assorted heirloom seeds pack have a large variety of seeds and with high germination rates. Seeds are contained inside in waterproof resealable mylar pouch to maintain freshness and quality of the seeds.
-FRESH HERBS ALL YEAR INDOORS or OUTDOOR HERB GARDEN - Plant seeds all year indoors as a window herb garden or transfer them to raised planter to enjoy amazing herbs all year. These can be used as an indoor herb garden, gardening kit, a kitchen herb garden, or in an outdoor garden bed. Plant more and use as spouts or micro greens.
-PRODUCT OF USA - Our garden seeds are sustainable sourced in the USA. Have confidence about our quality and 100% satisfaction guarantee. These seeds can work with aerogarden pods. ***Notice*** Some variety of seeds are EXTREMELY SMALL and will appear to not have the correct quantities of seeds. We have checked several times for seed quantities and have always counted them to be correct. If there is any concerns please let us know. ***

Jede Packung enth-lt die folgenden 10 Samenpackungen: Samenpackungen sind einzeln in einem Kunststoff-Rei-verschluss enthalten, um maximale Frische zu gew-hrleisten. Die Samen sind ungef-hre Mengen basierend auf Gewicht und Gr--e. 1. Basilikum - Italienisches gro-es Blatt (~100) 2. Koriander / Koriander (~30) 3. Italienische Parlsey (~220) 4. Schnittlauch Allium Schoeno (~56) 5. Thymian (~320) 6. Oregano (~460) 7. Dill (~23) 8. Minze (~77) 9. Tarragon (~340) 10. Marjoram (~90) Anzucht- und Saatgut 10 Pflanzenmarker Kr-utersamen, Koriandersamen, Petersiliensamen, Schnittlauch, Thymian-Samen, Oreganosamen, Dill Samen, Mint Samen, Estragon Samen, Marjoramen, 10 Samen Inklusive 10 Pflanzenmarker Dies sind gro-artige Kr-utersamen f-r die Bepflanzung im Innenbereich und sind zertifiziert, 100% GVO. Wenn Sie gerne Kochen und Gartenarbeit m-gen, enth-lt diese Samenpackung alle Ihre Lieblings- und am meisten verwendeten Kr-uter. Es ist eine tolle Sortimentspackung, die viele Pflanzen ergibt.