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bleedstop™ first aid powder for blood clotting, trauma kit, thinner patients, camping safety, and survival equipment moderate to severe wounds or nosebleeds - 1 pouch, 0.13 ounce

  • $CLP 34.385



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BleedStop first aid powder for blood clotting on contact one of the most effective emergency essentials for bleeding accidents outdoors and indoorsWounds, lacerations and nosebleeds are part and parcel of life. While conventional supplies such as bandaids or bandages may protect the open wound from further inflammation, they may not be the most effective when it comes to getting the blood to clot. That's where BleedStop comes in. What is BleedStop A first aid must have that clots blood in just seconds Made from a plant based material in a powder form that, through a proprietary process, concentrates platelets and other clotting factors in the blood to almost instantly create a natural clot that would otherwise take many minutes or hours to form. What are BleedStop effective on Minor to severe bleeding wounds Cuts Scrapes Nosebleeds Why choose BleedStop powder Used by doctors and in emergency rooms across the country Suitable for individuals on blood thinners too Safe and non stinging formula Safe to leave it on wound before bandaging