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arteza stretched canvases for painting, pack of 8, 11 x 14 inches, blank white canvases, 100% cotton, 12.3 oz gesso-primed, art supplies for acrylic pouring and oil painting

  • $CLP 99.155



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-Professional Grade - These 11x14 canvases are designed for professionals but can be used by novices as well. Because they are lightweight and pre-primed, they are ideal for painting in a studio, outdoors, at a class or wherever inspiration strikes.
-Pure Cotton – The cotton has a natural look and is stretched neatly over the frame. The painting canvas has a medium grain and holds the paint without absorbing it.
-High-Quality Pine Wood – The pine wood is meticulously inspected to meet quality standards so that it transports well and lasts.
-Designed and Created by Artists: Here at Arteza, we are passionate about creating products that inspire. For us, art is an expression of the human experience. That’s why we work to make our art supplies accessible to all people.
-We Care About Our Customers: We want to ensure you have a great experience with our products because we truly care about our customers. Our team strives to create products we’re proud of. If you have any issues with our products, please reach out and we’ll make it right.

Enjoy the ideal surface for painting with acrylics, oils, and gouache paints without compromising the vibrancy, pigmentation, or longevity of your original artwork.All-Cotton SurfaceOur canvas boards are made of cotton, so brushes just glide right over them & make painting effortless.For All Types of MediaLooking for affordable, high-quality canvas painting supplies? These canvases can be used with a variety of media, from oils and acrylics to gouache and tempera.Ready to PaintEach canvas in this pack is already primed with 8 oz. of acid-free acrylic titanium gesso. No prep necessary — you're ready to start creating right away.Hang As IsThese beautiful high-quality canvases can adorn the wall of any gallery, home, or office, framed or unframed.