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bola de tiza recargable literal savage para gimnasia, levantamiento de pesas, crossfit, escalada y atletismo, carbonato de magnesio para secado de manos, calcetín suave y flexible



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- All-Purpose Chalk Ball Designed to keep your hands dry and free of sweat or moisture this chalk bag is ideal for athletes focused on gymnastics, CrossFit, rock climbing, weightlifting and powerlifting, and track and field sports.
- Reduce Grip Friction This refillable chalk ball sock is filled with magnesium carbonate which is designed to absorb sweat from your hands and fingers, which is important for reducing blisters, skin irritations, or rips and tears.
- Quick Refill Design The simple drawstring bag design makes our CrossFit chalk ball easier to use at the gym and then refill when its finished. Simply loosen the drawstring, fill it with powdered chalk, and cinch to reuse.
- Non-Toxic, High-Quality Nylon Literal Savage refillable chalk balls are made with a soft, yet durable nylon which helps retain chalk powder while helping to absorb moisture on your skin. Its fragrance and pigment free and contains no added fillers.
- Home Gym or Professional Use These chalk balls from Literal Savage can be used in your very own garage gym, CrossFit box, or just about anywhere else you lift weights. Theyre simple, clean, and easy to use with less mess and less effort.

Protect your hands, palms, fingers, and skin from tears or rips by chalking up before a lift or movement with Literal Savage chalk bags. When youre an athlete constantly gripping or re-gripping implements, a weightlifting pushing through those heavy barbell movements, or a CrossFit athlete working up on the rig, you want to keep your hands dry and moving freely to avoid ripping or tearing the skin on your fingers or palms. Thats why we developed this Literal Savage Refillable Chalk Bag crafted with a high-quality cotton & nylon blend. Designed with a simple drawstring top for quick refills, these bags hold magnesium carbonate (chalk) powder and let you quickly dry off your hands with a simple squeeze. Quick, simple, and easy weve made protecting your hands when youre working out a priority. Dont limit your movements, hurt your hands, or reduce your recovery time because of tears, rips, or blisters. Choose Literal Savage Chalk Bags and be proactive in caring for your skin. Product Details: Professional Chalk Ball (3.3 oz.) Refillable and Reusable Cotton & Nylon Bag Absorbs Sweat and Moisture Filled with Pure Magnesium Carbonate Quick Drawstring Top Lightweight and Easy to Use Non-Toxic and Fragrance Free Trusted Quality Get this premium-grade chalk bag for your home or professional gym by clicking Add to Cart today and make sure your hands stay dry between every heavy lift.