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raqueta de tenis pro impact para adultos y jóvenes para jugadores profesionales buen control de agarre velocidad de entrenamiento raqueta de tenis para partidos en equipo ligera a prueba de golpes tamaño completo

  • $CLP 43.539



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- A PERFECT RACKET FOR AN ENHANCED TENNIS GAME: Pro Impact Tennis Rackets are a suitable choice for you if you wish to improve your game or ensure a memorable match with your opponent. The sturdy frame and durable strings of this racket ensure enhanced performance as well as reliability every time you step on the court.
- MADE FROM A DURABLE & STURDY MATERIAL: This racket gets a heavy-duty yet lightweight frame which allows you to hit accurate shots without much effort. The Junior rackets are made from the aluminium frame while the Adult rackets are made from carbon compound, graphite and other durable options which offers them added strength and stability.
- LARGE HEAD SIZE & COMFORTABLE GRIP: Pro Impact Tennis Rackets get a large head size which makes it easy for you to get the sweet spot. The rackets are provided with a strong yet comfortable grip as well which is easy to hold and enables you to exercise better control over the movement of the racket.
- COMES WITH A CARRYING COVER: A highlighting feature of this racket is that is that it comes with a carrying cover which makes it easy for you to carry this racket wherever you go. The cover also protects the racket from dust and water, thereby ensuring its safety.
- A VERSATILE ADDITION TO YOUR TENNIS KIT: Pro Impact Tennis Rackets have a solid construction that is designed to absorb the shocks in order to support and comfort the hand or elbow while playing. Also, these rackets are available in the Junior sizes and Adult sizes which make them suitable for beginners and professionals alike. Thus, whether you are new to tennis or an experienced professional, Pro Impact has the perfect tennis racket that meets your requirements.