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# 1 mejor toalla de yoga caliente - suede - 100% microfibra, toalla de yoga sin deslizamiento, súper absorbente, antideslizante, sin lesiones - la mejor toalla de yoga bikram - ejercicio, fitness, pilates y equipo de yoga; garantía de por vida

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  • Código producto: B00L7G2FDQ
  • Disponibilidad: Traemos a pedido, tiempo de 15 a 25 dias.
  • $CLP 39.093



- El producto se trae a pedido, en un transcurso de 15 a 25 dias, si alguna restriccion de un ente gubernamental o de salud publica cambia o restringe vuelos, los pedidos pueden demorar mas tiempo.
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-USE WITH OR WITHOUT A YOGA MAT - Heading to the beach or a remote vacation? No need to pack your unwieldy yoga mat. All you need is a Shandali Yoga towel, and any location becomes a yoga studio. If you do have a mat, use the Shandali yoga towel to give your yoga posture a plush velvety feel that not only feels great, but also absorbs slippery sweat and makes your expensive mat last longer!
-GET FIT AND STRONG: Yoga improves your muscle tone and fitness when you practice regularly. With a slippery sweat-free foundation you will have more confidence and more stability. In this way, the GoSweat Shandali Yoga Towel will help you achieve harder postures and more advanced techniques. By improve your yoga practice and confidence, you will soon notice marked improvements to your health and physical wellbeing.
-PERFECT YOUR POSTURES: Using a yoga towel helps to create a solid, stable and sweat free foundation to practice on. Without the risk of slipping on sweat, you can stay focused and advance quickly in your asana practice. It takes a consistent foundation that you trust for the most productive development in yoga.
-KEEP HYGIENIC AND HEALTHY: Increase your confidence when using the studio's in-house mats by putting a hygienic layer between you and the mat. Bring your own clean yoga towel, place on top of the studio mat, and remove your worries about whose sweat and germs you'll be practicing on. No need to hurt your shoulders carrying your heavy yoga mat from home; just take your Shandali Yoga towel. It's lightweight, easy, personal, and fits nicely into your bag.
-100% MANUFACTURER WARRANTY: If you are not absolutely pleased with our yoga towel, your purchase includes a 100% money back warranty. We know it's hard to pick a towel digitally, so we want you to try ours out and keep it only if you absolutely love it!

Get a grip! Take your yoga to the next level. Proper grip is important for yoga, Pilates, stretching, strengthening, or restorative floor exercises. This high quality yoga towel creates a comfortable microfiber suede cushion between you and your yoga mat or floor. Works for home use, outdoor use, or at the yoga studio. Comfortable enough for mediation and mindfulness exercises, and for intense Hot Yoga routines.

Yoga outside the mat. The Shandali GoSweat Yoga Towel is made of durable microfiber fabric that is both lightweight and strong. Roll it or fold it up and take it with you to the beach, park, or office. You don't have to be burdened by a heavy unwieldy yoga mat anymore. Free your yoga from it's mat!

Support when you need it. The GoSweat towel by Shandali is also useful as a yoga aid. Fold it and put it under your knees for extra knee support. Or sit on it for some extra cushion when mediating or in seated hip openers. Roll the towel up and put it under your neck or back to replicate the support of a foam roller. A truly versatile yoga tool.

Microfiber texture for traction and durability. Proper traction is important for stability and safety when maintaining challenging posses. Get the most out of your yoga routine - whether it's warrior one or an extended side-angle pose, the Shandali GoSweat Yoga Towel is perfect for beginners or experienced yogis. The microfiber weave will ensure a long lasting product life span. and a textured feel that will safely plant your feet onto your mat or floor.