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agarre universal lovehandle para la mayoría de los teléfonos inteligentes, mini tabletas y estuches, correa elástica negra con base roja, lh-01red

  • $CLP 28.632



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-Stop Dropping Your Smartphone and Tablet | Enables easier one-handed texting, photos, selfies, and holding your smartphone or tablet
-Slim pocket-friendly design | Soft comfortable elastic grip | Safe no-residue removable 3M adhesive, See directions below on how to setup the LoveHandle grip
-100% Satisfaction Guarantee | Size (LWH): 2.63 x 0.88 x 0.13 inches | Please Note: On-screen images of finishes and colors may vary from actual product due to variations in monitor and image capture settings
-Compatible with most Smartphones and Tablets, For Smartphones or Cases that are waterproof or have anti-fingerprint properties, we recommend applying the LoveHandle Adapter Adhesive before placing the LoveHandle grip on your device. | LoveHandle, SlingGrip, DMD Products, and all other trademarks are the property of their respective owners
-Please Note: On-screen images of finishes and colors may vary from actual product due to variations in monitor and image capture settings

The LoveHandle Universal Grip (original SlingGrip) is a smartphone and mini tablet grip attachment that adheres to the device using a strong but removable no-residue 3M peel-n- stick adhesive. Featuring a patented slim-profile pocket-friendly design that won't get in the way, the LoveHandle enables users to securely hold their devices without the risk of dropping them. The LoveHandle is great for taking crisp photos (particularly selfies!) and steady videos, and makes one-handed phone use much easier. It also allows you to flip your phone around to the back of your hand, allowing you to carry additional items while keeping track of your phone. In addition, using a LoveHandle to help you hold on to your phone can be quite helpful when jogging, biking, and at just about any other time you don't want to drop your phone. Our customers tell us that the LoveHandle becomes an indispensable part of their device within the first 30 minutes of using it. Why don't you give the LoveHandle a try for yourself! In case if you need to remove or relocate the LoveHandle grip, one of the ways is with some flat and thin object (that is not sharp) like a Credit Card, to slip under the edge and push across to release. Another is with floss or string. Press the floss or string against the phone or case, start at a corner, and move the string back and forth across the adhesive. Instructions on Youtube on How to Remove a LoveHandle Smartphone Grip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7scfnQIZWZc