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90 cuadrados magnéticos y puntos magnéticos con respaldo adhesivo - cuadrados y círculos magnéticos de despegar y pegar - imanes adhesivos flexibles - las hojas son una alternativa a las etiquetas y adhesivos magnéticos

  • $CLP 24.430



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-BRAND X-bet MAGNET is the first leader in the craft magnets niche. Our Bestsellers have 1000+ excellent reviews. Now we have launched our own Magnetic Sheet after the numerous requests of our customers. Longtime tests proved high quality & strength of our Peel & Stick Magnetic Tape - Magnetic Squares - Magnetic Dots.
-PREMIUM Quality Material with Long Lasting Anisotropic Magnet! 1 Tape Flexible Magnetic Sheet of 90 Large Self Adhesive Magnetic Squares and Magnetic Circles (each 0.8" x 0.8") which can stick to each other
-STRONG, DURABLE & FLEXIBLE Magnetic Sheet with 675 Gauss - Ideal holding power. Each disc and square can hold up to 60-90 grams. If you want stronger magnetic force, we recommend to use 2 or more magnetic dots. STRONG TESA ADHESIVE BACKING - Stronger than most brands out there!
-EASY TO CUT AND INSTALL magnetic stickers. Sticky magnet side does not leave any mark. Adhesive on one side, flexible magnet on the other - sticks great on plastic, metal, concrete, tiles and more. Can be used in totally different fields: Education, Science, Kitchen & House, Office, Building, Creativity & Craft and so on. Perfect for any DIY projects!
-We give 30 Days Money Back GUARANTEE!



Practical Magnetic Squares and Magnetic Dots Dimensions - 1 Tape Magnetic Sheet of 45 Self Adhesive Magnetic Squares + 45 Self Adhesive Magnetic Dots (each 0.8" x 0.8") ready to be used for all your needs.

Super Holding Power - 675 Gauss - stronger than most brands out there. Each disc and square can hold up to 60-90 grams.

Strong TESA Adhesive Backing does not leave any mark.

Our Magnetic Squares and Magnetic Circles don't lose their power.

We spend a significant part of our time researching, developing, and controlling the quality of our Magnetic Sheet.

Where To Use:

Perfect for use on porcelain tiles, plastic, metal, and other smooth surfaces.

Ideal for craft projects, home, magnetic pages, photo magnets, picture magnets, flexible sticky magnets, banners, signs, display, white, dry erase boards, magnetic labels, automotive, tools, kitchen, bathroom, garage, living rooms, classrooms.
Other uses include shelf labels, arts and crafts, commercial and industrial use, creative kid projects, office organization.

How to use:

Flexible Magnetic Tape can be cut with a simple pair of scissors.

After cutting to your desired length, flatten the tape by adhering it to a metal surface for up to 24 hours.
Attaching three strips to the object or surface you wish to apply the Magnetic Strip will ensure a maximum strength hold that won't let you down.


Magnetic Squares and Magnetic Circles are composed of two layers of magnets of the opposite poles, therefore the strips will not attract or stick itself to each other or to other magnets.
The magnet tape strips main duty is for attracting small and light metal objects.

Buying our Peel & Stick Magnetic Squares and Magnetic Dots you can be sure in 100% result!

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