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aceite removedor de residuos de cera satinado suave satinado 4 oz x 2 paquetes

  • $CLP 40.305



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- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.
-PROVIDES MAXIMUM EXCESS WAX REMOVAL: To remove every last trace of wax while soothing and moisturizing the skin, look no further than Satin Release Wax Residue Remover Oil! This oil-based cleanser gently yet effectively removes all fragments of wax residue without stripping or drying highly-sensitive skin post depilatory. This non-greasy formula also has a delicious smell, courtesy of a sling of essential oils such as almond and sunflower ensuring the after-wax treatment is even more uplifting!
-INFUSED WITH ALMOND OIL, NO MORE SKIN IRRITATION: Satin Smooth Wax Residue Remover Oil is formulated with Almond Oil that works as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant post hair removal treatment which help to soothe skin irritation, calm itchiness, and swelling of your precious skin. This provides a protective barrier mild yet incredibly efficient cleanser removes excess wax while simultaneously nourishing skin for a radiant glow - and all without a whisper of irritation!
-2-IN-1, MOISTURIZER AND POST-WAX SKIN CLEANSER: Feeling over-dry and rough-skinned after waxing? Worry no more! Satin Smooth Wax Remover Oil is jam-packed with nourishing oils to instantly cleanse the skin after hair removal sesh while maintaining natural moisture levels and replenishing lost luster! It contains Sunflower Oil, Wheat Germ Oil and Almond Oil that are high in Vitamin E to help revitalize, protect, and soften skin. Embrace that satin soft, hairless, moisturized, wax-free skin!
-HANDY, ALL-AROUND RESIDUE CLEANER IN TWO PACKS: Oh no! Got wax stuck on your skin? Here?s antioxidant-rich, ultra-moisturizing effective wax residue remover oil from Satin Smooth that works as a mild yet effective post-waxing skin cleanser. Not only does it work well in removing wax leftovers on the skin, but it can also be used for maintaining and cleaning roll-on applicators and wax warmers! Available in 2 packs of 4 oz, you?ll fall in love with this multipurpose, skin cleansing oil!
-MADE IN THE US, CRUELTY-FREE, PRO APPROVED: Satin Smooth - the leader in hair removal for decades, offers advanced formulations and ingredients that elevate your ultimate waxing experience! The most trusted brand among professionals, spa and salons. Committed to providing you with professional-grade hair removal products to help you achieve smooth, beautiful, and hair-free skin. All products are 100% cruelty-free, never tested on animals, and proudly made in the US. What?s not to love?