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ácido hialurónico en polvo y vitamina c en polvo puro. protege la piel de los daños oxidativos; mejora la elasticidad de la piel, evita las manchas de la edad. calmante y antiinflamatorio

  • $CLP 44.411



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-This Item contains Two Most Powerful ingredients in skincare products: (1) Pure Hyaluronic Acid Powder -- the body?s natural hydrator, to bind moisture to the skin. (2) Pure Vitamin C Power, the potent antioxidant.
-It has been proven to reduce wrinkles, fade brown spots,
-It has antioxidant properties.It will help to keep skin stay soft and plump.
-It significantly increases skin collagen,thickness and elasticity.
-Adding VC powder to serum or cream when needed guarantees effectiveness and freshness

product_description:Product Description MAKING HYALURONIC ACID SERUM Please refer to our product Description on HYALURONIC ACID POWDER ADDING VITAMIN C POWDER TO THE HYALURONIC ACID SERUM (1)Scoop a tiny amount of VC powder to your palm; (2)Squeeze a little bit HA Serum from the bottle; (3)Mix them with your finger tip at your palm; (4)A little bit inconvenient but most efficient. DIRECTION FOR USE (1)Clean your skin with warm water or cleanser. (2)Apply a small amount to clean skin, face and neck,smooth it to absorb. Apply morning and night. (3)If you use toner, apply toner before the Serum; if you use make up, apply make up after the Serum. (4)Shake well before use; store in dark and cool place after use. Refrigerate unused amount recommended