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brocha de afeitar cumberbatch 100% pure badger

  • $CLP 44.393



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-Lather Perfection: produces a rich shave soap lather, this reliable shaving brush made from 100% authentic pure badger hair.
-Classic Look: the shaving brushes for men come with a large knot of 20mm and a longer loft of 64mm offers a good middle ground between stiffness and softness experience.
-No Odor: when wet, no awful dead animal or sewer smell like most other cheap shaving cream brush.
-Resist Shedding: only has a few bristles fall out when first use, leave it upside hanging on the shaving brush stand will keep it very little shedding.
-Suitable for a beginning shaver who wants to learn wet shaving before moving on to higher quality and more expensive badger hair shave brush.

Cumberbatch 100% natural mens shaving brush has a large knot 20mm and longer loft 64mm which offers a good middle ground between stiffness and softness experience. No awful smell and only has a very little shedding problem when first use. The densely filled black pure grade badger brush head is ideal for holding (water retention) and distributing rich lather. It's a great shaving brush set option to a beginning shaver who wants to learn shaving before moving on to higher quality and more expensive shave brush kit.