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c.r. gibson little man libro de recuerdos con encuadernación perfecta para recién nacidos y bebés, 9.5 "x 10"

  • $CLP 59.815



- El producto se trae a pedido, en un transcurso de 15 a 25 dias, si alguna restriccion de un ente gubernamental o de salud publica cambia o restringe vuelos, los pedidos pueden demorar mas tiempo.
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-With sections to record all of your special moments, our bound memory book is a beautiful way to track the first five years of your little one's development.
-Package includes (1) C.R. Gibson ''Little Man'' Bound Memory Book in a charming gift box. Measures 9.5'' W x 10'' H.
-This memory book includes sections to record memories and milestones, a family tree, and space to place pictures.
-Packaged in an attractive gift box, this book is a wonderful present for baby showers and gift registries, and is also great for moms who recently brought their little one home.
-Our memory book features a printed fabric spine and stitched ribbon accents that are attractive and provide young children with a pleasant tactile experience.

Welcome your baby into the world with our lovely perfect-bound memory book. It includes sections to record memories and milestones, a family tree, and space for pictures, making it the perfect way to track the first five years of your little one's development. It features a printed fabric spine and stitched ribbon accents, and it comes in a gift box so it can easily be given as a present at a baby shower or other special occasion. Package includes (1) C.R. Gibson 'Little Man' Perfect-Bound Memory Book in a charming gift box. Measures 9.5" W x 10" H.