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bálsamo para bebés, crema para pañales segura para pañales de tela, bálsamo para bebés, ora's amazing herbal

  • $CLP 61.793



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- ALLOVER OINTMENT and gentle ECZEMA CREAM FOR BABY. Avoid overbathing and maintain baby skin health naturally by using a small amount of salve to wipe down areas that tend to collect debris and get irritated. Fat little necks, behind ears and knees, and various rolls and folds can be kept healthy and fresh with an occasional application of a thin layer of Ora's Amazing Herbal Baby Salve. Gently massage baby with salve and then gently wipe off excess with a soft cloth.
- UNSCENTED and STING FREE. Smell only the botanical scent of the ingredients and that of your delicious baby.
- This salve is carefully crafted using the utmost care and trusted INGREDIENTS such as organic calendula, burdock, and coconut oil, to yield an effective balm for your baby. NOTE: If you suspect a sensitivity to coconut oil, please try our coconut free Newborn Salve. It's not just for newborns!
- CLOTH DIAPER SAFE. Ora's Amazing Herbal is a woman owned business that began when Ora developed this salve for her cloth diapered baby.
- At Ora's Amazing Herbal we pride ourselves on our customer service just as much as we do our product quality and purity. We want you to love us! Please be in touch with any questions, feedback and ideas.

Color:Baby Salve 4 OzBaby Salve is an herbal natural healing ointment. First we infuse our blend of organic herbs in non-GMO grapeseed oil in glass containers in cold and dark conditions. This extracts the nutrients and healing properties of the herbs into the oil and not any toxins that would leach from plastic infusion containers. Then beeswax is added to provide structure and protection, as well as organic raw coconut oil and a touch of castor oil to offer soothing and emollient. Vitamin E is well established to have benefit to the skin and extends the shelf life of the otherwise preservative free salve. This process has been used by herbalists, grandmothers, mothers and families for thousands of years, and now we continue the tradition. There is no better way to keep baby rash free than keeping skin dry by changing diapers often, avoiding food triggers, and avoiding scented or chemical treated diapers, detergents and other products that may cause irritation. Rashes do sometimes occur though, and when they do, we reach for our Baby Salve.