Tu carrito

24 colores súper rotuladores de acuarela, suave y flexible, juego de bolígrafos con punta de pincel, líneas finas y anchas, colores vibrantes, libros para colorear para niños y adultos, manga, cómic, caligrafía, arte

  • $CLP 59.798



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- 24 Unique Colors: A full rainbow of 24 unique eye-catching colors at your disposal. Premium quality Super Marker watercolor pens with incredible vibrant and bold colors that feature a user friendly soft flexible brush tip design which allows them to be used for both fine lines and broad strokes. They're perfect for the young aspiring artist to the established art professional.
- Fun, Safe and Easy to Use: Super Marker Watercolor pens are completely kid safe, as they are non-toxic, water-based, acid-free and conform to ASTM D4236 and EN71 certifications for art products. They are suitable for children 3 and above and have child safe breathable caps. Children, adults, art students, artists and teachers love our super markers because of their ease of use and the exceptional vibrant visual results they achieve with them.
- Unlimited Uses: Let your imagination run wild when using these brush tip pens, as they're ideal for drawing, writing, sketching, manga, comic, adult coloring books, calligraphy, art & crafting or anything else that allows you to show off your creative side and produce stunning artwork!
- Convenient Storage: Markers are stored in convenient organizer rack with individual spots to hold each marker, so you can keep all your markers neatly organized and ready for use.
- We're so confident that you'll be delighted with our Super Markers that if you're not satisfied with them at anytime, we'll provide a full refund.