Tu carrito

6 sobres impermeable, resistente al desgarro, de plástico

  • Marca:


  • Código producto: B075YDN7KB
  • Disponibilidad: Traemos a pedido, tiempo de 15 a 25 dias.
  • $CLP 23.279



- El producto se trae a pedido, en un transcurso de 15 a 25 dias, si alguna restriccion de un ente gubernamental o de salud publica cambia o restringe vuelos, los pedidos pueden demorar mas tiempo.
- Precios pueden cambiar previo aviso. Depende de precio con proveedores o existencia.
- Fotos referenciales del producto, consulte no mas
- Despachamos a todo Chile con Starken.
- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.
Oaimyy B8, impermeable, resistente al desgarro, de plástico, con cremallera, para archivos, carpetas de documentos, bolsillos, bolsas de viaje, 6 piezas, color negro, tamaño pequeño, 5.31 "x 3.74"

- Make sure this fitsby entering your model number.
- This waterproof file zipper bag is made of high-quality and durable PVC material. It is thicker than similar products on the market ,and can support heavy objectswaterproof and oil resistant, convenient, not easy to break, moderately sized, making it easy to find your files.These bags are water and dirt resistant and easy to clean.
- This zipper file bag is a good partner or tool in your daily life or office and can save your files. , documents or papers, memos, brochures, magazines, books, keys, cell phones or well organized.
- This zipper file bag is easy to carry, suitable for travel, saves important materials and documents, it can be folded and can be easily placed in a suitcase or suitcase. Also suitable for putting in a toothbrush, toothpaste or cosmetics. is easy to carry, suitable for travel, saves important materials and documents, it can be folded and can be easily placed in a suitcase or suitcase. Also suitable for putting in a toothbrush, toothpaste or cosmetics.
- SizeB85.31"x 3.74"/13.5*9.5 cmcan hold B8 paper or letter& Each Pack - 6 * File Bag (Black)-SMALL S
- All OAIMYY products supports to high quality standards. Please contact us without any hesitation if you have any questions. Customer satisfaction is our highest priority.