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craftyclay modeling clay para niños - kit de arcilla de modelado de secado al aire



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- Pigs' Perfect Holiday Theme with 3 Cups of Colorful Air Dry Clays
- With Printed Step by Step Tutorials Brochure
- Suits Age 4 to 8
- Color Mixable and Paintable Air Dry Clays
- Non Sticky and Non Greasy. Odorless and Certified "Safe Children Product"

Color:SpacecraftPigs' Perfect Holiday! 3 cups of color mixing, and professional-grade modeling clays.Non-greasy, non-sticky and ultra-elastic texture.Stays fresh for over a year in its food-grade sealed cup even after using it.24 Months Shelf Life! Each cup includes 4 different colors and represents a specific model.With the printed "step by step teaching brochure".A perfect gift that helps your children explore their imagination and improve their spatial thinking capacity.What's in the kit? 3 cups of air dry modeling clays Each cup has 4 colors for a specific design Printed Tutorial Brochure You can access 120 projects PDF Tutorials Booklet on your digital device. The world's largest teaching tutorial booklet! 210 pages in total. Color mixable, paintable and resuable air-dry modeling clays. Well-sealed cups. Clays, package materials and plastic cups are all tested by SGS and approved as harmless "Children Product" for the United States of America. US Children Product Certificated.