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1 año aa medallion reflex antique chocolate bronze chip

  • $CLP 23.471



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- Make sure this fitsby entering your model number.
- 1 Year AA Medallion In Reflex Design Antique Bronze With Serenity Prayer On The Back
- Raised graphics and recessed rim lettering and herringbone pattern make this a VERY unique coin
- High end coin design great weight and feel.
- 1 5/16" Diameter 3mm Thick For A Premium Heavier Weight And Feel

Premium quality 1 Year AA Medallion in Reflex Design. Serenity Prayer on the back and designed with recessed lettering around the rim and raised triangle for a great look and feel. Finished in Antique Bronze for a unique weathered look. 1 5/16" Diameter and 3mm Thick to give it more gravity and a better weight than 2mm coins. If you need a keychain holder search Amazon for B01GLOWDJY which is the ASIN for the holder that works with this item.