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tanque de tortuga, kit de iniciación para reptiles, terrario

  • $CLP 188.139



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-EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO GET STARTED: Save countless hours searching for individual turtle tank parts -- we?ve got everything you need right here! Our reptile starter kit includes a durable terrarium, UV heat lamp with bulb and electric water filter to keep swimming areas crystal clear. There?s even a cute mini palm tree that adds a touch of tropical paradise!
-THE PERFECT TERRARIUM TANK FOR KIDS: Instill the importance of pet care, self-discipline and responsibility in your kiddos with a LARGE turtle tank (23.03? x 13.97? x 7.67?) that?s perfect for home or classrooms! Let them feed their tiny turtles, scrub the tank or change the water so they learn how to care for another little being. What a great way to learn important life values!
-SEE-THROUGH DESIGN FOR BETTER VIEWING: There?s nothing cuter than your little one?s chubby cheeks pressed up against the tank looking at their brand new pet turtles. For memories that will last forever, our tank is completely see-through so you and the kids can watch your turtles swim, sleep and bask -- up close and personal!
-5 FUN AREAS YOUR TURTLES WILL LOVE: Turtles lead busy and varied lives: one second they?re swimming and the next they?re soaking up the sun! With our diverse, multi-platformed turtle habitat, your reptile friends will have plenty of resting, basking, feeding, hibernating and swimming areas to keep them from feeling bored. It?s also great for hermit crabs and crayfish!
-MADE FROM NON-TOXIC POLYPROPYLENE: Pets are an invaluable part of the family, so keep them safe with non-toxic polypropylene that?s free from harmful chemicals. Our non-toxic plastic terrarium is strong enough to support all of your turtle?s daily activities, plus the bright blue hue adds a pop of color to any room in the house!

Turn Your Turtle Tank Into a Tropical Pet ParadiseWelcome four-legged, aquatic friends into the family with all the turtle tank accessories you need to make their habitat a happy home. With a sturdy blue tank, UV heat lamp, water filter and plastic mini palm, they?ll be in pet paradise. You can even house crayfish or a hermit crab, too!Grimy water, be gone! The included turtle tank filter oxygenates and eliminates dirty water so you don?t waste time on constant upkeep. Plus, the UV heat lamp simulates warm, nourishing sun rays so your turtle receives enough vitamin D without going outside!Watch your turtle go about its busy day in the totally transparent tank with areas for swimming, basking, resting and feeding. One second your turtle will be swimming in the pool area, and the next they?ll be soaking up the sun on the basking platform! Not to mention, the tank is made from non-toxic polypropylene, so your little friends won?t come in contact with harmful chemicals. While your kiddo enjoys the fun side of playful pets, our tank is also great for teaching them the importance of pet care, too! Perfect for encouraging them to feed their pets or clean the tank so they understand the responsibility of pet ownership from an early age.Our turtle tank kit is perfect for:? Teaching kids the importance of pet care? Classrooms? Small turtles? Crayfish? Hermit crabsWhat?s in the Box:- 1 Blue polypropylene turtle tank (23.03? x 13.97? x 7.67?)- 1 UV heat lamp- 1 Water filter- 4.4 LBS of Rocks1 Decorative palm treeNote: Suitable for turtles up to 3 inches.Build A Happy Habitat For Your Tiny Aquatic FriendsNo need to spend hours looking for individual turtle accessories for your new tank. Our amazing starter kit is fun for the whole family and has everything you need to provide a clean, safe home for your reptile (or crustacean) friends!