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combo de estación de energía solar recargable expertpower alpha400 | generador portátil de 444 wh y un panel solar monocristalino de vidrio de 100 vatios para respaldo de emergencia y campamento al aire libre



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- Despachamos a todo Chile con Starken.
- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.
-This kit includes one 444Wh lithium Alpha solar generator which is lighter-weight with strong capacity power and one 100W Solar Panel that made top-quality Monocrystalline highest-efficiency glass Monocrystalline prime cells that can provide the max 22-25% efficiency from sunlight.
-With its incomparable industry technology, the cells are resistant to power loss via cracking and corrosion, unlike conventional cells, which are more likely to lose power when bent or subjected to a moist environment. which the Alpha 400 generator will be fast
-The 444Wh Solar generator is capable of powering 9+ devices simultaneously of all your essential electronics, travel gear, and professional equipment, allowing you to stay connected both on and off the grid with its powerful 400W pure sine WAVE inverter, which is
-Our Solar Panel maximum voltage is 18V with 5.56A to pull out 100-Watt Solar Power and its designed to be able to add on multiple quantity to fit your system need up to 1000V DC maximum. Each Panel size: 26(L)*20(H)Inch with 17.5lbs weight of 2 panels together. It came with build-in solid handle and latches for security to let you easily carry around and transportation.
-This Solar Panel built in with MC4 cable connectors, which can easily plug in and out with our solar generator (our accessory includes solar charger cable with MC4 connectors). The adjustable bracket holder will make you use the panel in different angles based on sun location to collect as much as solar power you can.